Things to konw about Amaryllis!
Color and Fragrant
Its november and the rainy and cold season is about to come. So why not give yourself a little sparkle. And that is what I want to introduce today "to sparkle" the greek translation for Amaryllis. They come in agreat variety of colors like red and white, pink, salmon, apricot, rose or deep burgundy. Some varieties are bicolor such as purple and green, or picotee. Amaryllis stems can be quite large and difficult to trim with floral shears, so I recommend using a sharp knife to cut the stems at a diagonal. You should cut enough of the stem off so that the amaryllis are supported in the vase you want to use. Sometimes even putting a wooden Hyacinth stick in the holow stem helps to support it from breaking because of the heavy flower top. Like most flowers, if you cut the amaryllis, immediately place the stem in clean, lukewarm water.
Expert Tip
Amaryllis stems can be quite large and difficult to trim with floral shears, so I recommend using a sharp knife to cut the stems at a diagonal. You should cut enough of the stem off so that the amaryllis are supported in the vase you want to use. Sometimes even putting a wooden Hyacinth stick in the holow stem helps to support it from breaking because of the heavy flower top. Like most flowers, if you cut the amaryllis, immediately place the stem in clean, lukewarm water.
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