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Final project of the careers course students

We are proud to show you these beautiful and creative works 

of design and art from all these talented florists coming from all over the world.

The final project is an individual design concept that is developed by each student alone to show their creative vision for their future. This project is included in the four weeks of the course. Each student receives 100 Euros with which they buy their own flowers in the Berlin Flower Market. The Berlin Flower School photographs their work and puts it into a beautiful pdf portfolio to take home with them. We have over 30 Alumni of the careers course, over the next weeks, we will fill this page continuously with their beautiful work.

Helen Scottland Instagram:


Judy Germany Instagram:


Kelly Germany Instagram: @kellyekardt


Alli Canada Instagram: @alundinavygrey


Jordyn USA Instagram: @thistle.marie


Hannah USA Instagram: @frau griffin


Ana Maria Instagram: 


Asta Germany Instagram: @botanicaffairs


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